Afghanistan’s Sports car unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show in Qatar

Posted by Ahmad Rashad Al Zeer on Oct 12, 2023

In a move that redefines the narrative of Afghanistan, a country more accustomed to political storms, the 2023 Geneva Motor Show witnessed the unveiling of its first homegrown sports car, the Afghanistan-born Entop Simurgh, formerly known as the Mada9, made its grand debut on the global stage at the Geneva International Motor Show 2023 in Qatar.

How It All Started

Coming straight out of Kabul, the Entop team, along with the Afghanistan Technical Vocational Institute (ATVI), brought to life a super cool car they named Simurgh. They changed its name from Mada9 to something inspired by a huge bird from Persia.

Meet the Team

Around 30 super smart engineers worked really hard to make this car. When you look at it from the front, you can see they got the idea from a warrior's helmet. They're almost done making it perfect for production.

What's Under the Hood?

The car we saw had an engine borrowed from a Toyota Corolla. But get ready for this - they're planning to put in an even stronger engine, a twin-turbo V8, with the help of a German racecar expert. They're aiming for the 24-hour LeMans race!

Getting the Details Right

They're still working on the little things like features, gears, and all the mechanical stuff. The car at the show didn't have an inside yet, but it was all sleek in black, like Batman's awesome car.

How They Got the Money

Can you believe it? 45,000 people chipped in to support Entop, giving $130,000 to get the Simurgh to the show. And they're not stopping there. They want even more help to turn this dream into reality and race at LeMans. In a world where electric cars are super popular, Entop is going old-school with a powerful car that's making a big splash in the car world.


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GIMS | geneva motor show | geneva international auto show | geneva motor show qatar Entop Simurgh
