Five Ways You Could Be Killing Your Car

Posted by on Jun 13, 2018

Most people take their cars for granted, expecting that when they turn the ignition key the car will start and they will be able to go on their way. But there may come a day when you find your car just won’t start. When this day comes, get ready for potentially high repair bills.

But you can avoid these problems by simply maintaining your car properly and avoiding behaviors that could be killing your car. Remember that the best way to stay healthy is to prevent health issues from developing. The same thing should go for your car. Here are five ways that you may be unknowingly murdering your car.


Disregarding the check engine light.  When you see this light on your dashboard, do not ignore it! It is alerting you that there is something you need to have replaced. This could be your spark plugs, oxygen sensor, mass airflow sensor or catalytic converter. Alternately, it may be telling you that your gas cap is missing, loose or damaged. If you don’t address these problems promptly, it can affect your car’s performance or fuel economy, and in time, cause serious engine trouble.


Not changing your oil regularly. Unless you’re a conscientious car owner, you probably don’t follow the schedule for oil changes in your owner’s manual. Changing the oil periodically is one of the simplest things you can do to avoid killing your car.Oil acts as a lubricant in your engine, reducing the friction between moving parts. If you don’t change the oil, eventually it will wear out and lose its effectiveness. This can cause friction in the engine parts and result in major problems over time. How often should you change your oil? Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines or change it at least every 3,000 to 5,000 miles.

Having bad driving habits. Abusing your car is the surest way for it to develop serious problems. For instance, if you drive through a corner too quickly, you put unnecessary strain on parts such as the suspension, brakes and steering.  Another bad driving habit is braking too abruptly at red lights, since this can wear down your brake pads more quickly and increase the risk of more serious problems down the line. Driving more carefully and responsibly can help keep your car in good running order for a longer time.

Not taking care of your car.  If you don’t wash your car regularly, the buildup of dirt and chemicals can increase the risk of the body rusting. But more seriously, if you don’t take your car for regular maintenance and checkups, there is a big risk that it will develop serious issues sooner rather than later. One simple thing you can do is simply to listen to your car – if you hear anything out of the ordinary, you should probably have it checked.  


Not performing regular maintenance tasks. For instance, you should ensure that your tires are inflated to the right level. You should also check your filters and fluid levels and change them as necessary.

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