Foreigners in Kuwait get deported for traffic violations

Posted by Samar Huneidi on May 1, 2013

213 foreigners have been deported from Kuwait for violating traffic rules and committing grave traffic offences.

Interior ministry assistant undersecretary for traffic affairs Major General Abdulfattah Al Ali told Al Anbaa newspaper “We have deported 213 expatriates during the past few days for violating traffic rules and committing grave offences.”

Driving without a drivers license, using private cars to carry passengers, passing red traffic lights and exceeding speed limits are some on the violations he mentioned.

400 traffic deaths and thousands of wounded people are reported yearly in Kuwait.

A decision was issued around 10 years ago in Kuwait stating that in order for foreigners to own a driving license they should hold a university degree, earn 400 Kuwaiti dinars a month and have spent at least 2 years in Kuwait


deportation | kuwait | uae | traffic | violation news
