Loud music is prohibited in residential areas

Posted by Samar Huneidi on May 22, 2013

Cars will be permanently confiscated if motorists played music at full blast will driving in residential areas said Dubai’s Police Chief on Tuesday.

People in residential areas, specifically Jumeirah, have complained about people driving their cars around their areas in the middle of the night with music playing loud, said Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, adding that they have also complained about noisy motorbikes.

He also mentioned that undercover police and police patrols will be watching if anyone violates the rules, adding that this rule is not new.

 “We are only reminding motorists to be decent while driving and to not disturb families in their homes,” he said. Adding that those who wish to listen to their music in blast should do that in remote inhabited areas.

As reported by Gulf News.


loud | music | violation | car | cars | uae | dubai | news 2013
